Phyllis MacBryde

Female | US

Phyllis MacBryde began her career as a theater actor - from Circle in the Square in New York to Arena Stage in Washington, D.C., national tours and scrappy summer stock - and branched into writing. She has successfully collaborated on original musicals with composer, Roger Bartlett.


The Adjustment Bureau

as Suburban Neighbor

... 2011


Phyllis MacBryde

Date of Birth:

December 22, 2024


United States

Biography of

Phyllis MacBryde

Phyllis MacBryde began her career as a theater actor - from Circle in the Square in New York to Arena Stage in Washington, D.C., national tours and scrappy summer stock - and branched into writing. She has successfully collaborated on original musicals with composer, Roger Bartlett.

Videos & Photos of

Phyllis MacBryde

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Filmography of

Phyllis MacBryde

Found 1 movie in total

The Adjustment Bureau

as Suburban Neighbor

... 2011