Leo Rossi

Male | US

Leo Rossi is an American actor, writer and producer. A character actor with over 100 credits to his name, he is known for his role as foul-mouthed EMT Vincent "Budd" Scarlotti in the 1981 horror film .


Kids Don't Tell

as Detective Rastelli

... 1985


Leo Rossi

Date of Birth:

June 26, 1946


United States

Biography of

Leo Rossi

Leo Rossi is an American actor, writer and producer. A character actor with over 100 credits to his name, he is known for his role as foul-mouthed EMT Vincent "Budd" Scarlotti in the 1981 horror film .

Videos & Photos of

Leo Rossi

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Filmography of

Leo Rossi

Found 1 movie in total

Kids Don't Tell

as Detective Rastelli

... 1985