Nancy Stephens

Male | US

Nancy Jane Stephens is a former American actress who has starred in many films and television shows. Stephens is perhaps best known for her role as Nurse Marion Chambers in the John Carpenter horror film Halloween. She reprised this role in Halloween II, Halloween H20: 20 Years Later and again in Halloween Kills.



as Nurse

... 1987


Nancy Stephens

Date of Birth:

July 2, 1949


United States

Biography of

Nancy Stephens

Nancy Jane Stephens is a former American actress who has starred in many films and television shows. Stephens is perhaps best known for her role as Nurse Marion Chambers in the John Carpenter horror film Halloween. She reprised this role in Halloween II, Halloween H20: 20 Years Later and again in Halloween Kills.

Videos & Photos of

Nancy Stephens

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Filmography of

Nancy Stephens

Found 1 movie in total


as Nurse

... 1987