Teressa Liane

Female | AU

Teressa Liane is an Australian actress. She is known for her roles as Rhiannon Bates in Neighbours, as Mary Louise on The Vampire Diaries, Angelica on Into the Badlands and as Agrippina in the Netflix documentary drama Roman Empire.


... 2022

The Spy Who Never Dies

as Trident aka Lucy

... 2022


Teressa Liane

Date of Birth:

March 11, 1988



Biography of

Teressa Liane

Teressa Liane is an Australian actress. She is known for her roles as Rhiannon Bates in Neighbours, as Mary Louise on The Vampire Diaries, Angelica on Into the Badlands and as Agrippina in the Netflix documentary drama Roman Empire.

Videos & Photos of

Teressa Liane

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Filmography of

Teressa Liane

Found 2 movies in total

... 2022

The Spy Who Never Dies

as Trident aka Lucy

... 2022