Richard Masur

Male | US

Richard Masur is an American character actor, who has appeared in more than 80 films. From 1995 to 1999, he served two terms as president of the Screen Actors Guild. He is best known for Nick Lobo on Rhoda, Stanley Uris in the TV Miniseries It, and Edward L. L. Moore on Younger.


... 1993

Risky Business

as Rutherford

... 1983


Richard Masur

Date of Birth:

November 20, 1948


United States

Biography of

Richard Masur

Richard Masur is an American character actor, who has appeared in more than 80 films. From 1995 to 1999, he served two terms as president of the Screen Actors Guild. He is best known for Nick Lobo on Rhoda, Stanley Uris in the TV Miniseries It, and Edward L. L. Moore on Younger.

Videos & Photos of

Richard Masur

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Filmography of

Richard Masur

Found 2 movies in total

... 1993

Risky Business

as Rutherford

... 1983