Rick Peters

Male | US

Rick Peters is an American actor. He has appeared in several films and numerous television shows, and is perhaps best known for his role as Australian Bobby Manning in Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye. He also plays the role of Elliot in the 4th season of Dexter. 


Apartment 12

as Lori's Bad Date

... 2005


Rick Peters

Date of Birth:

June 1, 1966


United States

Biography of

Rick Peters

Rick Peters is an American actor. He has appeared in several films and numerous television shows, and is perhaps best known for his role as Australian Bobby Manning in Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye. He also plays the role of Elliot in the 4th season of Dexter. 

Videos & Photos of

Rick Peters

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Rick Peters

Found 1 movie in total

Apartment 12

as Lori's Bad Date

... 2005