Robert Pralgo

Male | US

Robert Pralgo is an American actor. Pralgo was born in the Bronx in New York City. He graduated with a "BA Television and Film Production" at the University of Georgia in 1989.


Kill the Messenger

as LA Sheriff

... 2014


Robert Pralgo

Date of Birth:

June 4, 1966


United States

Biography of

Robert Pralgo

Robert Pralgo is an American actor. Pralgo was born in the Bronx in New York City. He graduated with a "BA Television and Film Production" at the University of Georgia in 1989.

Videos & Photos of

Robert Pralgo

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Robert Pralgo

Found 1 movie in total

Kill the Messenger

as LA Sheriff

... 2014