Harley Jane Kozak

Female | US

Harley Jane Kozak is an American actress and author. She made her film debut in the slasher film The House on Sorority Row, and had a recurring role as Mary Duvall on the soap opera Santa Barbara between 1985 and 1989. 


... 1996


Harley Jane Kozak

Date of Birth:

January 28, 1957


United States

Biography of

Harley Jane Kozak

Harley Jane Kozak is an American actress and author. She made her film debut in the slasher film The House on Sorority Row, and had a recurring role as Mary Duvall on the soap opera Santa Barbara between 1985 and 1989. 

Videos & Photos of

Harley Jane Kozak

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Filmography of

Harley Jane Kozak

Found 1 movie in total

... 1996