Christine Ebersole

Female | US

Christine Ebersole is an American actress and singer. She has appeared in film, television, and on stage. She starred in the Broadway musicals 42nd Street and Grey Gardens, winning two Tony Awards.


Love Comes to the Executioner

as Miriam Prigusivac

... 2004


Christine Ebersole

Date of Birth:

February 21, 1953


United States

Biography of

Christine Ebersole

Christine Ebersole is an American actress and singer. She has appeared in film, television, and on stage. She starred in the Broadway musicals 42nd Street and Grey Gardens, winning two Tony Awards.

Videos & Photos of

Christine Ebersole

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Filmography of

Christine Ebersole

Found 1 movie in total

Love Comes to the Executioner

as Miriam Prigusivac

... 2004