Jeannetta Arnette

Female | US

Jeannetta Arnette is an American actress. She became known for her television role as Miss Meara on the situation comedy Head of the Class. She has also appeared in numerous films, including 1992's Ladybugs and 1999's Boys Don't Cry, and guest-starring roles on television.


Snow Angels

as Louise Parkinson

... 2008


Jeannetta Arnette

Date of Birth:

July 29, 1954


United States

Biography of

Jeannetta Arnette

Jeannetta Arnette is an American actress. She became known for her television role as Miss Meara on the situation comedy Head of the Class. She has also appeared in numerous films, including 1992's Ladybugs and 1999's Boys Don't Cry, and guest-starring roles on television.

Videos & Photos of

Jeannetta Arnette

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Filmography of

Jeannetta Arnette

Found 1 movie in total

Snow Angels

as Louise Parkinson

... 2008