Jerry Wasserman

Male | US

Jerry Wasserman is an American professor and film and television actor. Wasserman was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is working on his role in Alien Trespass in post-production. He is a Professor of English and Theatre at the University of British Columbia. He was also a frequent co-star of Don S. Davis. 


I, Robot

as Baldez

... 2004


Jerry Wasserman

Date of Birth:

November 2, 1945


United States

Biography of

Jerry Wasserman

Jerry Wasserman is an American professor and film and television actor. Wasserman was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is working on his role in Alien Trespass in post-production. He is a Professor of English and Theatre at the University of British Columbia. He was also a frequent co-star of Don S. Davis. 

Videos & Photos of

Jerry Wasserman

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Filmography of

Jerry Wasserman

Found 1 movie in total

I, Robot

as Baldez

... 2004