Malika Haqq

Female | US

Malika Anjail Haqq is an American actress and television personality who is best known for her role as Penny Lent in the 2005 Disney superhero film, Sky High, along with her twin sister, Khadijah.



as Star

... 2006


Malika Haqq

Date of Birth:

March 10, 1983


United States

Biography of

Malika Haqq

Malika Anjail Haqq is an American actress and television personality who is best known for her role as Penny Lent in the 2005 Disney superhero film, Sky High, along with her twin sister, Khadijah.

Videos & Photos of

Malika Haqq

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Filmography of

Malika Haqq

Found 1 movie in total


as Star

... 2006