Amy Locane

Female | US

Amy Rose Locane is an American television and film actress known for her role in John Waters' 1990 musical comedy Cry-Baby. In 1992, Locane portrayed Sandy Harling in the first season of the prime time soap opera Melrose Place. 



as Allison Vernon-Williams

... 1990


Amy Locane

Date of Birth:

December 19, 1971


United States

Biography of

Amy Locane

Amy Rose Locane is an American television and film actress known for her role in John Waters' 1990 musical comedy Cry-Baby. In 1992, Locane portrayed Sandy Harling in the first season of the prime time soap opera Melrose Place. 

Videos & Photos of

Amy Locane

Videos (0)

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Filmography of

Amy Locane

Found 1 movie in total


as Allison Vernon-Williams

... 1990