Luna Fulgencio

Female | ES

Luna Fulgencio Sánchez (Madrid, 5 February 2011) is a Spanish actress who became known for playing the role of Rocío in the films Padre no hay más que uno (2019) and Padre no hay más que uno 2 (2020), directed by Santiago Segura, in addition to her multitudinous appearances in Spanish television series.



Luna Fulgencio

Date of Birth:

January 1, 2011



Biography of

Luna Fulgencio

Luna Fulgencio Sánchez (Madrid, 5 February 2011) is a Spanish actress who became known for playing the role of Rocío in the films Padre no hay más que uno (2019) and Padre no hay más que uno 2 (2020), directed by Santiago Segura, in addition to her multitudinous appearances in Spanish television series.

Videos & Photos of

Luna Fulgencio

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Filmography of

Luna Fulgencio

Found 2 movies in total