Amanda Payton

Female | US

Amanda Payton (born b/w 1986-1991; Age: 30-35 years) is an American Actress and Social Media Personality from Los Angeles, California, The United States of America. Many people started to search about her as she went viral on the internet because of her performance in A Fiance For Christmas.



as Party Person

... 2011


Amanda Payton

Date of Birth:

December 22, 2024


United States

Biography of

Amanda Payton

Amanda Payton (born b/w 1986-1991; Age: 30-35 years) is an American Actress and Social Media Personality from Los Angeles, California, The United States of America. Many people started to search about her as she went viral on the internet because of her performance in A Fiance For Christmas.

Videos & Photos of

Amanda Payton

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Amanda Payton

Found 1 movie in total


as Party Person

... 2011