Laura De Carteret

Female | US

Laura de Carteret is a Canadian actress from St. Catharines, Ontario. She is most noted for her recurring role as Janet in the television series Seed, for which she was a Canadian Screen Award nominee for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series at the 2nd Canadian Screen Awards in 2014.


The Conspiracy

as Nicole Higgins

... 2012


Laura De Carteret

Date of Birth:

January 31, 1963


United States

Biography of

Laura De Carteret

Laura de Carteret is a Canadian actress from St. Catharines, Ontario. She is most noted for her recurring role as Janet in the television series Seed, for which she was a Canadian Screen Award nominee for Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series at the 2nd Canadian Screen Awards in 2014.

Videos & Photos of

Laura De Carteret

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Laura De Carteret

Found 1 movie in total

The Conspiracy

as Nicole Higgins

... 2012