John Hoyt

Male | US

John Hoyt was an American actor. He began his acting career on Broadway, later appearing in numerous films and television series. He is perhaps best known for his film and TV roles in The Lawless, When Worlds Collide, Julius Caesar, Blackboard Jungle, Spartacus, Cleopatra, Flesh Gordon, and Gimme a Break!


... 1958


John Hoyt

Date of Birth:

October 5, 1905


United States

Biography of

John Hoyt

John Hoyt was an American actor. He began his acting career on Broadway, later appearing in numerous films and television series. He is perhaps best known for his film and TV roles in The Lawless, When Worlds Collide, Julius Caesar, Blackboard Jungle, Spartacus, Cleopatra, Flesh Gordon, and Gimme a Break!

Videos & Photos of

John Hoyt

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Filmography of

John Hoyt

Found 1 movie in total

... 1958