Nisha Sarangh

Female | IN

Nisha Sarang is an Indian actress who appears in Malayalam films and television serials. She is best known for playing the character of Neelima in the TV sitcom Uppum Mulakum, broadcast on Flowers. She won the Kerala State Television Award for Best Comedian in 2017. 



as .

... 2018


Nisha Sarangh

Date of Birth:

July 2, 1970



Biography of

Nisha Sarangh

Nisha Sarang is an Indian actress who appears in Malayalam films and television serials. She is best known for playing the character of Neelima in the TV sitcom Uppum Mulakum, broadcast on Flowers. She won the Kerala State Television Award for Best Comedian in 2017. 

Videos & Photos of

Nisha Sarangh

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Filmography of

Nisha Sarangh

Found 1 movie in total


as .

... 2018