Miguel Bernardeau

Male | US

Miguel Ángel Bernardeau Duato was born on 12 December 1996 in Valencia. He is the son of television producer, Miguel Ángel Bernardeau Maestro and the actress, Ana Duato. He has a younger sister, named María Bernardeau Duato. He studied Dramatic Art in the United States, at Santa Monica College and acting at the American Academy o...



( 5 episodes)

as Guzmán Nunier Osuna

... 2018


Miguel Bernardeau

Date of Birth:

December 25, 1996


United States

Biography of

Miguel Bernardeau

Miguel Ángel Bernardeau Duato was born on 12 December 1996 in Valencia. He is the son of television producer, Miguel Ángel Bernardeau Maestro and the actress, Ana Duato. He has a younger sister, named María Bernardeau Duato. He studied Dramatic Art in the United States, at Santa Monica College and acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in Los Angeles, California

Videos & Photos of

Miguel Bernardeau

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Filmography of

Miguel Bernardeau

Found 1 movie in total


( 5 episodes)

as Guzmán Nunier Osuna

... 2018