Lisa Vicari

Female | DE

Lisa Vicari (born February 11, 1997) is a German actress. She is best known for portraying Martha Nielsen in the TV show Dark. She is also known for portraying the lead role of Isi in Isi & Ossi, a Netflix original movie.



( 3 episodes)

as Martha Nielsen

... 2017


Lisa Vicari

Date of Birth:

February 11, 1997



Biography of

Lisa Vicari

Lisa Vicari (born February 11, 1997) is a German actress. She is best known for portraying Martha Nielsen in the TV show Dark. She is also known for portraying the lead role of Isi in Isi & Ossi, a Netflix original movie.

Videos & Photos of

Lisa Vicari

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Filmography of

Lisa Vicari

Found 1 movie in total


( 3 episodes)

as Martha Nielsen

... 2017