Cristiana Dell'Anna

Female | IT

Cristiana Dell'Anna is an Italian actress from Napoli who has recently made her big break by playing Patrizia in the second season of Gomorra. She was born in Naples but moved to London where she has worked her way through by graduating at the Film Academy and digging deeply in Shakespearean drama.



as Sophia

... 2022

Date of Birth:

August 24, 1985



Biography of

Cristiana Dell'Anna

Cristiana Dell'Anna is an Italian actress from Napoli who has recently made her big break by playing Patrizia in the second season of Gomorra. She was born in Naples but moved to London where she has worked her way through by graduating at the Film Academy and digging deeply in Shakespearean drama.

Videos & Photos of

Cristiana Dell'Anna

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Filmography of

Cristiana Dell'Anna

Found 1 movie in total


as Sophia

... 2022