Mayu Hotta

Female | JP

Mayu Hotta is a Japanese actress , fashion model , and a tarento born in Shiga prefecture. She is an exclusive model for "Non-no". She won the WOWOW Drama Award during the 2014 Amuse Audition Festival, among the 32,214 participants. She now has appeared in various commercials, shows and music videos.


... 2022


Mayu Hotta

Date of Birth:

April 2, 1998



Biography of

Mayu Hotta

Mayu Hotta is a Japanese actress , fashion model , and a tarento born in Shiga prefecture. She is an exclusive model for "Non-no". She won the WOWOW Drama Award during the 2014 Amuse Audition Festival, among the 32,214 participants. She now has appeared in various commercials, shows and music videos.

Videos & Photos of

Mayu Hotta

Videos (0)

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Filmography of

Mayu Hotta

Found 1 movie in total

... 2022