David Hayman

Male | GB

​David Hayman (born 9 February 1948) is a Scottish film and television actor and director, best known for his role as DCS Mike Walker in the ITV drama Trial and Retribution.


Raven's Hollow

as Dr. Garrett

... 2022


David Hayman

Date of Birth:

February 9, 1948


United Kingdom

Biography of

David Hayman

​David Hayman (born 9 February 1948) is a Scottish film and television actor and director, best known for his role as DCS Mike Walker in the ITV drama Trial and Retribution.

Videos & Photos of

David Hayman

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

David Hayman

Found 1 movie in total

Raven's Hollow

as Dr. Garrett

... 2022