Callum Woodhouse

Male | GB

Callum Woodhouse was born on January 7, 1994 in Durham, England. He is an actor and director, known for B&B (2017), The Hoist (2018) and The Durrells (2016).


Raven's Hollow

as Will Taylor

... 2022


Callum Woodhouse

Date of Birth:

January 7, 1994


United Kingdom

Biography of

Callum Woodhouse

Callum Woodhouse was born on January 7, 1994 in Durham, England. He is an actor and director, known for B&B (2017), The Hoist (2018) and The Durrells (2016).

Videos & Photos of

Callum Woodhouse

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Callum Woodhouse

Found 1 movie in total

Raven's Hollow

as Will Taylor

... 2022