Francis Magee

Male | BR

Francis Magee was raised in Ireland and on the Isle of Man. He spent eight years as a fisherman before becoming an actor and has also been a member of several music groups including Namoza - who released four singles and an album - and Disco D'Oro. He studied acting at the Poor School at London's Kings Cross and made his television debut as Liam Taylor in 'East E...



Francis Magee

Date of Birth:

June 26, 1969



Biography of

Francis Magee

Francis Magee was raised in Ireland and on the Isle of Man. He spent eight years as a fisherman before becoming an actor and has also been a member of several music groups including Namoza - who released four singles and an album - and Disco D'Oro. He studied acting at the Poor School at London's Kings Cross and made his television debut as Liam Taylor in 'East Enders',a role he played on and off for two years.

Videos & Photos of

Francis Magee

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Filmography of

Francis Magee

Found 1 movie in total