Pekka Strang

Male | FI

Pekka Strang is a Finnish actor and ex-artistic director of Helsinki City Theatre, where he worked 2005-2014. He is best known for his roles in Kites Over Helsinki (2001), Tom of Finland (2017) and Dogs Don't Wear Pants (2019).

Strang graduated from Helsinki Theatre Academy in 2001.


Memory of Water

as Major Bolin

... 2022


Pekka Strang

Date of Birth:

July 23, 1977



Biography of

Pekka Strang

Pekka Strang is a Finnish actor and ex-artistic director of Helsinki City Theatre, where he worked 2005-2014. He is best known for his roles in Kites Over Helsinki (2001), Tom of Finland (2017) and Dogs Don't Wear Pants (2019).

Strang graduated from Helsinki Theatre Academy in 2001.

Videos & Photos of

Pekka Strang

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Filmography of

Pekka Strang

Found 1 movie in total

Memory of Water

as Major Bolin

... 2022