Hairul Azreen

Male | MY

Hairul Azreen bin Idris (born 23 April 1988) is a Malaysian Taekwondo athlete, martial artist, actor and stuntman. He is best known for starring in the action films PASKAL The Movie, Operasi X, and Polis EVO 2 (2018).


... 2022


Hairul Azreen

Date of Birth:

April 23, 1988



Biography of

Hairul Azreen

Hairul Azreen bin Idris (born 23 April 1988) is a Malaysian Taekwondo athlete, martial artist, actor and stuntman. He is best known for starring in the action films PASKAL The Movie, Operasi X, and Polis EVO 2 (2018).

Videos & Photos of

Hairul Azreen

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Filmography of

Hairul Azreen

Found 1 movie in total

... 2022