Henley Hii

Male | MY

Henley Hii (born 27 February 1985) is a Malaysian singer, songwriter and actor. He began his career in music after appearing as the champion of the second season of the Malaysian version of Project Superstar on 8TV. Hii gained widespread recognition through his role as Joshua in the military action film PASKAL (2018) directed by Adrian Teh who is also his close friend.


The Assistant

as Dato Sam Lee

... 2022


Henley Hii

Date of Birth:

February 27, 1985



Biography of

Henley Hii

Henley Hii (born 27 February 1985) is a Malaysian singer, songwriter and actor. He began his career in music after appearing as the champion of the second season of the Malaysian version of Project Superstar on 8TV. Hii gained widespread recognition through his role as Joshua in the military action film PASKAL (2018) directed by Adrian Teh who is also his close friend.

Videos & Photos of

Henley Hii

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Filmography of

Henley Hii

Found 1 movie in total

The Assistant

as Dato Sam Lee

... 2022