Robby Sugara

Male | ID

Robby Sugara is an Indonesian actor, active from 1970-1980s. In 1975, he started to become famous after starring in the advertisement for Brisk shampoo. He is from a Java, Ambon, and Dutch descent.


... 2020


Robby Sugara

Date of Birth:

June 20, 1950



Biography of

Robby Sugara

Robby Sugara is an Indonesian actor, active from 1970-1980s. In 1975, he started to become famous after starring in the advertisement for Brisk shampoo. He is from a Java, Ambon, and Dutch descent.

Videos & Photos of

Robby Sugara

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Filmography of

Robby Sugara

Found 1 movie in total

... 2020