Geneviève Doang

Female | FR

Geneviève Doang is a French-Asian actress of Chinese descent born in Paris, bilingual in English. She is skilled in Kung Fu and stage combat and known for her voice acting career, remembered for being the French voice of Ciri in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, D.Va in Overwatch, Lunafreya in Final Fantasy XV and Evangelyne in Wakfu.


... 2021


Geneviève Doang

Date of Birth:

June 1, 2024



Biography of

Geneviève Doang

Geneviève Doang is a French-Asian actress of Chinese descent born in Paris, bilingual in English. She is skilled in Kung Fu and stage combat and known for her voice acting career, remembered for being the French voice of Ciri in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, D.Va in Overwatch, Lunafreya in Final Fantasy XV and Evangelyne in Wakfu.

Videos & Photos of

Geneviève Doang

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Filmography of

Geneviève Doang

Found 1 movie in total

... 2021