Arawinda Kirana

Female | ID

Arawinda Kirana (Jakarta, September 27, 2001) is an Indonesian actress & model.

Her major breakthrough into film industry came after her role in Kamila Andini’s widely adored “Yuni” (2021) for which she won the FFI for Best Actress in a Leading Role, and thereby became the youngest Actress to win a Citra award.


... 2022


Arawinda Kirana

Date of Birth:

September 27, 2001



Biography of

Arawinda Kirana

Arawinda Kirana (Jakarta, September 27, 2001) is an Indonesian actress & model.

Her major breakthrough into film industry came after her role in Kamila Andini’s widely adored “Yuni” (2021) for which she won the FFI for Best Actress in a Leading Role, and thereby became the youngest Actress to win a Citra award.

Videos & Photos of

Arawinda Kirana

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Filmography of

Arawinda Kirana

Found 1 movie in total

... 2022