Tove Lo

Female | SE

Tove Lo is a Swedish singer and songwriter. Called "Sweden's darkest pop export" by Rolling Stone, she is known for her raw, grunge-influenced take on pop music. Her honest, complex and autobiographical lyrical content has led to her being dubbed "the saddest girl in Sweden".


The Emigrants

as Ulrika

... 2021


Tove Lo

Date of Birth:

October 29, 1987



Biography of

Tove Lo

Tove Lo is a Swedish singer and songwriter. Called "Sweden's darkest pop export" by Rolling Stone, she is known for her raw, grunge-influenced take on pop music. Her honest, complex and autobiographical lyrical content has led to her being dubbed "the saddest girl in Sweden".

Videos & Photos of

Tove Lo

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Tove Lo

Found 1 movie in total

The Emigrants

as Ulrika

... 2021