Desmond Dube

Male | US

Desmond Dube is a South African singer, actor, mime artist and entertainer. He is known for his work in The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Hotel Rwanda, Friends Indeed, Suburban Bliss and Joburg Blues.


Office Invasion

as ............

... 2022


Desmond Dube

Date of Birth:

November 27, 1969


United States

Biography of

Desmond Dube

Desmond Dube is a South African singer, actor, mime artist and entertainer. He is known for his work in The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Hotel Rwanda, Friends Indeed, Suburban Bliss and Joburg Blues.

Videos & Photos of

Desmond Dube

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Desmond Dube

Found 1 movie in total

Office Invasion

as ............

... 2022