Margaret Avery

Female | US

Margaret Avery (born January 20, 1944) is an American actress and singer. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for her performance as Shug in The Color Purple (1985).


Block Party

as Janice Sommers

... 2022


Margaret Avery

Date of Birth:

January 20, 1944


United States

Biography of

Margaret Avery

Margaret Avery (born January 20, 1944) is an American actress and singer. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for her performance as Shug in The Color Purple (1985).

Videos & Photos of

Margaret Avery

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Filmography of

Margaret Avery

Found 1 movie in total

Block Party

as Janice Sommers

... 2022