Robbie Banfitch

Male | US

Robbie Banfitch (born Robert Joseph Banfitch) is an American screenwriter, film director, writer, actor, and musician. He attended School of Visual Arts in Manhattan (2003-2007) and currently resides in Los Angeles. He has previously worked for After Dark Films (2007-2009) and Greenpeace (2011-2020).


The Outwaters

as Robbie Zagorac

... 2022


Robbie Banfitch

Date of Birth:

August 7, 1985


United States

Biography of

Robbie Banfitch

Robbie Banfitch (born Robert Joseph Banfitch) is an American screenwriter, film director, writer, actor, and musician. He attended School of Visual Arts in Manhattan (2003-2007) and currently resides in Los Angeles. He has previously worked for After Dark Films (2007-2009) and Greenpeace (2011-2020).

Videos & Photos of

Robbie Banfitch

Videos (0)

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Filmography of

Robbie Banfitch

Found 1 movie in total

The Outwaters

as Robbie Zagorac

... 2022