Rodrigo Obregón

Male | US

Rodrigo Obregón is an actor and writer, known for Collateral Damage (2002), L.E.T.H.A.L. Ladies: Return to Savage Beach (1998) and Hard Ticket to Hawaii (1987). Son of Colombian painter, muralist, sculptor and engraver Alejandro Obregón and choreographer Sonia Osorio.


The Dallas Connection

as Antonio Morales

... 1994


Rodrigo Obregón

Date of Birth:

September 25, 1951


United States

Biography of

Rodrigo Obregón

Rodrigo Obregón is an actor and writer, known for Collateral Damage (2002), L.E.T.H.A.L. Ladies: Return to Savage Beach (1998) and Hard Ticket to Hawaii (1987). Son of Colombian painter, muralist, sculptor and engraver Alejandro Obregón and choreographer Sonia Osorio.

Videos & Photos of

Rodrigo Obregón

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Filmography of

Rodrigo Obregón

Found 1 movie in total

The Dallas Connection

as Antonio Morales

... 1994