Michael Godere

Male | AS

Michael Godere is an actor, writer and producer. He was born in New Haven, CT and is of Portuguese and Italian decent. He studied acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, and trained with legendary Meisner teachers, Wynn Handman, Maggie Flanigan and Terry Knickerbocker.



Michael Godere

Date of Birth:

March 12, 1976


American Samoa

Biography of

Michael Godere

Michael Godere is an actor, writer and producer. He was born in New Haven, CT and is of Portuguese and Italian decent. He studied acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, and trained with legendary Meisner teachers, Wynn Handman, Maggie Flanigan and Terry Knickerbocker.

Videos & Photos of

Michael Godere

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Photos (1)

Filmography of

Michael Godere

Found 1 movie in total