Pratibha Lonkar

Female | IN

Prateeksha Lonkar is an Indian actress who mostly appeared in Hindi and Marathi films and television series. She is best known for playing the lead title role in the Marathi TV serial Damini, that aired on DD Sahyadri.



as Sunita

... 1997


Pratibha Lonkar

Date of Birth:

June 12, 1968



Biography of

Pratibha Lonkar

Prateeksha Lonkar is an Indian actress who mostly appeared in Hindi and Marathi films and television series. She is best known for playing the lead title role in the Marathi TV serial Damini, that aired on DD Sahyadri.

Videos & Photos of

Pratibha Lonkar

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Filmography of

Pratibha Lonkar

Found 1 movie in total


as Sunita

... 1997