Dimitri Diatchenko

Male | US

A native of San Francisco, Dimitri Diatchenko attended Newton North High School in Newton, Massachusetts. After high school, he attended Stetson University in Deland, Florida where he was a scholarship music student, majoring in classical guitar. After completing the Bachelors program, he matriculated to Florida State University in Tallahassee, ... 



Dimitri Diatchenko

Date of Birth:

April 11, 1968


United States

Biography of

Dimitri Diatchenko

A native of San Francisco, Dimitri Diatchenko attended Newton North High School in Newton, Massachusetts. After high school, he attended Stetson University in Deland, Florida where he was a scholarship music student, majoring in classical guitar. After completing the Bachelors program, he matriculated to Florida State University in Tallahassee, ... 

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Dimitri Diatchenko

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Filmography of

Dimitri Diatchenko

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