Alice Greczyn

Female | US

Born in Walnut Creek, California, (USA) Alice Greczyn grew up mainly in the mid-west until finally landing in Colorado. She had no idea that she would stumble into life as an actress. Starring in television shows and films had not even crossed her mind. Instead, her childhood goal was to compete as a figure skater. As she got a little older her focus shifted to more humanita...


Sex Drive

as Mary

... 2008


Alice Greczyn

Date of Birth:

February 6, 1986


United States

Biography of

Alice Greczyn

Born in Walnut Creek, California, (USA) Alice Greczyn grew up mainly in the mid-west until finally landing in Colorado. She had no idea that she would stumble into life as an actress. Starring in television shows and films had not even crossed her mind. Instead, her childhood goal was to compete as a figure skater. As she got a little older her focus shifted to more humanitarian purposes, which led her to attend college with plans of being a nurse or paramedic. That all changed when Greczyn was approached by a talent manager in Colorado, who then set her career in motion. Greczyn spends most of her off time traveling, whether it's to visit with family or visit places as far as Mongolia. Her true passion is cooking and exploring other cultures. Greczyn's stunning exotic beauty stems from a unique European-Asian blend of ethnicity.

Videos & Photos of

Alice Greczyn

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Filmography of

Alice Greczyn

Found 1 movie in total

Sex Drive

as Mary

... 2008