Neal Bledsoe

Male | CA

Neal Bledsoe is an actor and writer who grew up in Seattle, but for some reason the internet thinks he's from Canada. That's nonsense, he was only born there. He was named after the Beat Generation hero, Neal Cassady, and a car thief his father knew. He's been a Seahawks fan longer than it's been fashionable, but has almost given up on the ...


Revolutionary Road

as Party Guest

... 2009


Neal Bledsoe

Date of Birth:

March 26, 1981



Biography of

Neal Bledsoe

Neal Bledsoe is an actor and writer who grew up in Seattle, but for some reason the internet thinks he's from Canada. That's nonsense, he was only born there. He was named after the Beat Generation hero, Neal Cassady, and a car thief his father knew. He's been a Seahawks fan longer than it's been fashionable, but has almost given up on the ...

Videos & Photos of

Neal Bledsoe

Videos (0)

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Filmography of

Neal Bledsoe

Found 1 movie in total

Revolutionary Road

as Party Guest

... 2009