Neil Crone

Male | CA

Neil is an actor and writer. He has performed in dozens of television and radio commercials, TV shows and is the voice of numerous animation characters every Saturday morning. A Second City veteran Improvisor, host, stand-up comic and winner of a Canadian Comedy Award, Neil is also an award-winning newspaper columnist and children's author.


... 2006


Neil Crone

Date of Birth:

May 29, 1960



Biography of

Neil Crone

Neil is an actor and writer. He has performed in dozens of television and radio commercials, TV shows and is the voice of numerous animation characters every Saturday morning. A Second City veteran Improvisor, host, stand-up comic and winner of a Canadian Comedy Award, Neil is also an award-winning newspaper columnist and children's author.

Videos & Photos of

Neil Crone

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Neil Crone

Found 2 movies in total

... 2006