Sophia Myles

Female | GB

Sophia Jane Myles was born on March 18, 1980 in Hammersmith, London, England. She has a younger brother, Oliver. Her parents are Jane and Peter Myles, who is a vicar, a priest in the Anglican Church who is in charge of a parish and receives a salary, but not the tithes of the church. Her mother works in publishing. Sophia lived in Notting Hill ..


... 2006


Sophia Myles

Date of Birth:

March 18, 1980


United Kingdom

Biography of

Sophia Myles

Sophia Jane Myles was born on March 18, 1980 in Hammersmith, London, England. She has a younger brother, Oliver. Her parents are Jane and Peter Myles, who is a vicar, a priest in the Anglican Church who is in charge of a parish and receives a salary, but not the tithes of the church. Her mother works in publishing. Sophia lived in Notting Hill ..

Videos & Photos of

Sophia Myles

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Filmography of

Sophia Myles

Found 2 movies in total

... 2006