Reg E. Cathey

Male | US

Born into a military family in Huntsville, Alabama -- his father was an army vet who had served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam, while his mother held a somewhat mysterious job in the Department of Defence -- Reg E. Cathey spent much of his early childhood living on a rural farmhouse in Germany. There, he watched American TV shows dubbed into ...


... 2004


Reg E. Cathey

Date of Birth:

August 18, 1958


United States

Biography of

Reg E. Cathey

Born into a military family in Huntsville, Alabama -- his father was an army vet who had served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam, while his mother held a somewhat mysterious job in the Department of Defence -- Reg E. Cathey spent much of his early childhood living on a rural farmhouse in Germany. There, he watched American TV shows dubbed into ...

Videos & Photos of

Reg E. Cathey

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Filmography of

Reg E. Cathey

Found 1 movie in total

... 2004