Laura Kightlinger

Male | US

Laura Kightlinger is a writer, stand-up comic, and actor. Her comedic roles include self-obsessed mom, Deb Taylor, in "PEN15" on Hulu, and Nurse Shelia in the re-upped "Will&Grace", (which she played in the original series). She's been a consulting producer on "Will&Grace" since its inception. Laura created and starred in her own cri...


... 2001


Laura Kightlinger

Date of Birth:

June 13, 1964


United States

Biography of

Laura Kightlinger

Laura Kightlinger is a writer, stand-up comic, and actor. Her comedic roles include self-obsessed mom, Deb Taylor, in "PEN15" on Hulu, and Nurse Shelia in the re-upped "Will&Grace", (which she played in the original series). She's been a consulting producer on "Will&Grace" since its inception. Laura created and starred in her own critically ...

Videos & Photos of

Laura Kightlinger

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Filmography of

Laura Kightlinger

Found 1 movie in total

... 2001