Frederic Forrest

Male | US

Frederic Fenimore Forrest, Jr. (born December 23, 1936) is an American actor.Notable film roles include The Conversation, Valley Girl ,Promise Him Anything (TV), One from the Heart, The Stone Boy, The Missouri Breaks, The Deliberate Stranger (TV), and horror maestro Dario Argento's first American film Trauma. On television, he played Captain Richard Jenko on the first se...


Apocalypse Now

as Jay 'Chef' Hicks

... 1979


Frederic Forrest

Date of Birth:

December 23, 1936


United States

Biography of

Frederic Forrest

Frederic Fenimore Forrest, Jr. (born December 23, 1936) is an American actor.Notable film roles include The Conversation, Valley Girl ,Promise Him Anything (TV), One from the Heart, The Stone Boy, The Missouri Breaks, The Deliberate Stranger (TV), and horror maestro Dario Argento's first American film Trauma. On television, he played Captain Richard Jenko on the first season of the Fox Television series 21 Jump Street, in 1987. Forrest was subsequently replaced by actor Steven Williams, who played Captain Adam Fuller for the remainder of the series…

Videos & Photos of

Frederic Forrest

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Filmography of

Frederic Forrest

Found 1 movie in total

Apocalypse Now

as Jay 'Chef' Hicks

... 1979