Akbar Kurtha

Male | IN

Akbar Kurtha is a British actor of Indian descent. Since 1993, Kurtha has played several roles in the United Kingdom and in the United States. He first appeared in the 1993 film Bhaji on the Beach in the role of Majit, and then played the lead role of Farid in the film My Son the Fanatic, with Rachel Griffiths.


... 1994


Akbar Kurtha

Date of Birth:

December 26, 2024



Biography of

Akbar Kurtha

Akbar Kurtha is a British actor of Indian descent. Since 1993, Kurtha has played several roles in the United Kingdom and in the United States. He first appeared in the 1993 film Bhaji on the Beach in the role of Majit, and then played the lead role of Farid in the film My Son the Fanatic, with Rachel Griffiths.

Videos & Photos of

Akbar Kurtha

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Filmography of

Akbar Kurtha

Found 1 movie in total

... 1994