Katrina Law

Female | US

Katrina Law was born on 30,September 1985 in Philadelphia. She is known for her roles in tv series that includes CSI: Miami (2002) (CBS), Legend of the Seeker (2008) (ABC), and Chuck (2007) (NBC), plus supporting and lead roles in independent films, such as Alpha Males Experiment (2009), Lucky Numbers (2000), Emmett's Mark (2002), The Learning Curve, and Bottomfeede...


The Oath

as Karen Beach

... 2018


Katrina Law

Date of Birth:

September 30, 1985


United States

Biography of

Katrina Law

Katrina Law was born on 30,September 1985 in Philadelphia. She is known for her roles in tv series that includes CSI: Miami (2002) (CBS), Legend of the Seeker (2008) (ABC), and Chuck (2007) (NBC), plus supporting and lead roles in independent films, such as Alpha Males Experiment (2009), Lucky Numbers (2000), Emmett's Mark (2002), The Learning Curve, and Bottomfeeders (2001), to name a few. Law's name is becoming synonymous with an unshakeable talent and drive combined with a stunning, unique look that is unparalleled in the business to date.

Law has also starred as "Mira" on the hit STARZ series, Spartacus (2010) and Spartacus: Vengeance, in 2012. In 2014, Law made her debut on The CW's Arrow (2012), as the recurring DC comic book character, "Nyssa Al Ghul". In the comics, it's revealed that "Nyssa" is the love child of Ra's al Ghul, making her the half-sister of "Talia al Ghul", whom Marion Cotillard portrayed in The Dark Knight Rises (2012).

Videos & Photos of

Katrina Law

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Filmography of

Katrina Law

Found 1 movie in total

The Oath

as Karen Beach

... 2018