Brian Doyle-Murray

Male | US

Brian Doyle-Murray (born Brian Murray, October 31, 1945) is an American comedian, screenwriter, actor and voice artist. He is the older brother of actor/comedian Bill Murray and has acted together with him in several films, including Caddyshack, Scrooged, Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters II, The Razor's Edge and Groundhog Day.


Groundhog Day

as Buster Green

... 1993


Brian Doyle-Murray

Date of Birth:

October 31, 1945


United States

Biography of

Brian Doyle-Murray

Brian Doyle-Murray (born Brian Murray, October 31, 1945) is an American comedian, screenwriter, actor and voice artist. He is the older brother of actor/comedian Bill Murray and has acted together with him in several films, including Caddyshack, Scrooged, Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters II, The Razor's Edge and Groundhog Day.

Videos & Photos of

Brian Doyle-Murray

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Filmography of

Brian Doyle-Murray

Found 1 movie in total

Groundhog Day

as Buster Green

... 1993