Sally Field

Female | US

Sally Margaret Field (born November 6, 1946) is an American actress, singer, producer, director, and screenwriter. In each decade of her career, she has been known for major roles in American TV/film culture, including: in the 1960s, for Gidget (1965–66) or Sister Bertrille on The Flying Nun (1967–70); in the 1970s, for Sybil (1976), Smokey and the Bandit (1977)...


... 2016

... 2012

Forrest Gump

as Mrs. Gump

... 1994

Mrs. Doubtfire

as Miranda Hillard

... 1993


Sally Field

Date of Birth:

November 6, 1946


United States

Biography of

Sally Field

Sally Margaret Field (born November 6, 1946) is an American actress, singer, producer, director, and screenwriter. In each decade of her career, she has been known for major roles in American TV/film culture, including: in the 1960s, for Gidget (1965–66) or Sister Bertrille on The Flying Nun (1967–70); in the 1970s, for Sybil (1976), Smokey and the Bandit (1977) and Norma Rae (1979); in the 1980s, for Absence of Malice, Places in the Heart (1984) and Steel Magnolias; in the 1990s…

Videos & Photos of

Sally Field

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Filmography of

Sally Field

Found 5 movies in total

... 2016

... 2012

Forrest Gump

as Mrs. Gump

... 1994

Mrs. Doubtfire

as Miranda Hillard

... 1993